The Catshanghai blog listed the top English blogs based off Technorati and the Stick came in 8th. They used the old URL for the site. This URL according to Technorati has 133 blogs linked to it, which would put the Stick 6th. Not sure how complete the list is but still pretty cool stuff. I follow the Shanghaiist blog but […]
Welcome to Eagle Net
So my post earlier today was a lot of frustration at myself and not having the skills necessary to continue to move my school forward. I was at my wits end and was not looking forward to walking into first period and hearing the “Mr. U, I can’t get on my blog.” I felt as though I had let them […]
You didn’t finish your homework?
On the bus on my way to school this Monday morning, after a frustrating and exhausting weekend of trying to migrate our school’s Moodle and WordPress MU installations. The Moolde installation migrated perfectly without a hitch. The WordPress Mu site is still not working, so 500+ kids will go to school today not being able to blog. L If I […]
What I've learned today
I’m in the process of moving Moolde and our Blog site to a new dedicated server. Here’s what I’ve learned. 1. MySQL database files are hard to open in Notepad or Wordpad and do a find and replace on. Took me 2 hours just to change the the databases to the new domain name. (I suggest downloading a find and […]
Futr Lang
I have found myself thinking recently on the future of language and the written word. Some of my thinking has been fueled by the conversation happening on the EME 5404 blog. I’ve been struggling with the questions: Who and when did we decide that our language was no longer going to change? That the evolution of language had stopped and […]
Changing the music industry-assignment
What follows is an assignment that came out of class discussions today. It’s cross posted on my Everything Tech blog as an assignment for students. If you would like to comment, please leave the comment on Everything Tech to add to our classroom discussion. I don’t know about you, but I had a great time in class today, but then […]
We don't need to 'get it'
I’m catching up on my RSS reading from Spring Break and came across David Warlick’s posting about not getting social networks. The comments were interesting to read as well and I thought about this all night and offer this to the edublogosphere. We don’t get it, we’re not suppose to get it, but we need to learn it. There are […]
EARCOS 2007 comes to an end
A quick scan of the program shows the following tech sessions were offered this year at EAROCS. Technology Integration: 2Future of schools: 6Technology Tools: 2Multimedia Tools: 5Information Literacy: 3Podcasting: 2Web 2.0: 3Tablets: 11:1 Implementation: 5Cyber Bullying: 2E-Portfolios: 1Blogs: 2E-Books: 1 Wiki’s aren’t mentioned at all, which is kind of interesting. Guess I know what I’ll be offering next year 😉 […]
EARCOS Podcast
Just finished editing and uploading the quick 8 minute podcast from my podcasting session here at EARCOS. If you want to have a listen head on over to On Deck and give it a play. I’m also proud to announce that you can now subscribe to On Deck via the iTunes music store. You can head over to the site […]
Wikireader or Wikicreator
Yesterday in my presentation I talked about how educators and schools view Wikipedia. Where some schools have blocked the site and other schools have not blocked the site. How some teachers are allowing students to use it as a research site, while others are not. This is still in debate, but I think we’re missing the bigger picture of what […]