Day two with Warlick

Day two with Warlick

I can’t believe it’s only Tuesday and I’m not the one presenting. Today David did 4 sessions for teacher and then a parent night. Getting home around 8:30pm, I’m sure he’s sleeping well. 🙂 If you EVER get the chance to have David do a parent presentation at your school do it! Although it wasn’t a very good turn out, […]

First day with Warlick

First day with Warlick

Well we’re through the first day of David Warlick’s visit. He did three sessions on Harnessing the Digital Landscape with our teachers and one Video Games in education….and today is a light day for him. When we bring speakers in..which isn’t very often, we tend to have them going full on and David is no exception. One thing that struck […]

Changing Reading Habits

Changing Reading Habits

David Jakes took the recent talk around School 2.0 and did a nice mash-up on the techlearning blog. So here is my attempt at characterizing School 2.0, driven by ideas from David, Will, Clarence and Jeff: Unlearning. Relearning. The desire and climate to do both, by all members of the school community in a constant and never-ending self-adjustment dance. Fluid. […]

I'm still amazed

I'm still amazed

I mean I know you can do it…I’m doing it..but is this amazing or what. My Mother-in-Law is on her way to China. Using a flight tracker and Google Earth I can watch in real time as she makes her way across the Pacific. Seeing that we are about 10 miles from the airport and it’s pretty foggy and because […]

School 2.0: Adaptable vs Knowledgable

School 2.0: Adaptable vs Knowledgable

I just left this comment on a message board with some pre-service teachers: What is more important to be adaptable or knowledgeable? (think dinosaurs) The word adaptable and adaptability have been floating around in my head for some time now and how they define what we are trying to do in the 21st century and why it is so hard […]

It's here…I can feel it

It's here…I can feel it

I’ve been feeling it for a couple days now as the weather here has started to change, but today I’m feeling it. Call it the ‘itch’ or the 20 years I played the game…but there is something in my blood that just knows when the time has come. It hit 60F here for the first time today, and even though […]

Two weeks to go

Two weeks to go

Preparing for our upcoming Tech Fest is taking it out of me…and more importantly taking up my blogging time. I find myself eager to just sit, relax and blog….funny that writing has become a relaxing activity for me….never in my life did I ever think that would happen. The biggest crime of the last week and a half is the […]

Today's student blog postings

Today's student blog postings

I’ve made it a point to take some time out of my busy day to relax and read and respond to some student blogs at our school’s blog headquarters. I’ll try not to do this too ofter..but sometimes the writing and reflection are so good…I just have to share. So here is what has me thinking tonight. Katrinablog Even though […]

Firefox extension

Firefox extension

The second screencast in the Utechtips series on Firefox is now posted. This screencast goes over using the extension. Install, set up and use. Here it is! [tag]firefox, utechtips[/tags] Technorati Tags: firefox, firefox2,, delicious, screencast, education