Via Andy Torris The first 1000 $100 laptops rolled off the factory lines here in Shanghai. What’s the chances that I can find this factory and take a tour? [tags]olpc, Shanghai[/tags] Technorati Tags: olpc, shanghai
Learning from the kids
I came home tonight looking forward to going through my aggregator and getting some other stuff online done. But I made the mistake of stopping by some of the online projects going on around the school. Needless to say my learning tonight came from a bunch of middle school students. I’ve spent the last two hours shaking my head. Why […]
Knowing Knowledge Highlights 1-20
It just so happens my pre-bedtime blog run coincides with Clarence Fisher’s pre-breakfast blog run, once in awhile we catch each other on Skype for a little around the world chat. About a week ago or so Clarence mentioned George Siemens’ new book Knowing Knowledge, which can be downloaded for free from the website. I downloaded it started reading is. […]
92 year old blogger
From Boing Boing: Meet a 92-year-old blogger Is 92-year-old Donald Crowdis (former host of the Candadian TV program The Nature of Things) the world’s oldest blogger? Even if he isn’t his blog is terrific. He’s funny and astute. Here’s an excerpt from a recent entry he wrote on cannibalism. Give his blog a read. If he can do it…why can’t […]
Edublog call to action
Tom Hoffman has a call to action on his blog Tuttle SVC. Here you go Tom! Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. […]
TeenTek now with custom Freeware Games
They just keep blowing me away. I posted about this last week. About how this Freeware Flash game has taken over the Middle School. I gave my little game playing zombies a deadline. Saying I wanted to see the game on TeenTek by Friday night. Well, at 6:00 last night the game was posted. Here is what they had to […]
A Friday night
It’s cold wet and rainy. It’s been raining for two days. The northern wind tells of the seasonal change. The city’s lights come on at 6 rather than 8. The apartment is cold, with our one little heater trying it’s hardest to pump out the heat. My wife is at the pub with her girlfriends having an after school drink. […]
Creating change
How do you know when you are helping to create change in your school? When you get an e-mail from your administrator that says: its not just about tech….it’s about pedagogy, about student engagement, about philosophical beliefs about student learning and real life application That’s a pretty good indication! Technorati Tags: 21st Century Learning, pedagogy
Oh the places you'll go
It’s that time of year again for International Teachers. Contracts are do in one month sign it and you stay on for another year or don’t sign it and look for a new country, and new job. It is a time I think can only be explained by living it. In the international world you have to turn in, or […]
Edublog Awards
Spending my morning rounding up my favorites of the past year for the Edublog Awards. Here are this year’s categories: Best audio and/or visusal blog Best group blog Best individual blog Most influential post, resource or presentation Best library/librarian blog Best newcomer Best research paper on social software within learning and teaching Best teacher blog Best undergraduate blog Best wiki […]