
Persuasion Map: Making the old way new
Another one from Justin Medved in Bangkok. (Dude, get a blog 🙂 )
There is nothing new with this tool other than it’s new. This layout for teaching persuasive writing has been around for awhile, but here is a cool new way to do it that will engage students in a new and maybe ‘cooler’ way. Is this doing the same old thing in new ways? Yes, but who cares if it gets students to write good essays!
Technorati Tags: readwritething, persuasive writing, writing, education tool, writing tool
Looks like a wonderful tool. I’ll definitely Furl it, however, it wouldn’t let me type in the boxes for some unknown reason…
A List of Education and Tech Ed Blogs…
For no better reason than to share a look at what it out there is the way of blogs about education and…
I love your blog! I’m a 5th grade teacher in SC, and I found you from your party comment on the K12 Conference blog. Are you presenting? I’m doing something the last week. I teach language arts and social studies, and I am interested in having my students do some kind of online writing project with other students. Send me an email if you’re interested!
Hey Justin! Just hit on your exciting Persuasion Map at the point when we are about to begin our Crucible persuasive letters for the Engl;ish 10 classes. I work with the ESOL students and cannot think of a nicer way to get them going with planning the details. I had a “boring” planner on paper…but this will certainly do the trick! Thanks for sharing.