Characteristics of Thai Visual Art: For our Thai Teaching Certificate which all teachers at international schools must complete we were entertained by some puppet masters for our Art, Drama and Music module. Buddha Art:

Characteristics of Thai Visual Art: For our Thai Teaching Certificate which all teachers at international schools must complete we were entertained by some puppet masters for our Art, Drama and Music module. Buddha Art:
Friday marked the end to the first quarter of the school year at ISB. As my first quarter here comes to a close I’ve started to reflect on the experience so far. There is a reason why international schools make you sign a two year contract. It takes at least a year to get your feet on the ground, to […]
ISB just launched PantherNet. Our Moodle system that syncs (or is trying to) with PowerSchool. It’s still in Beta but early feedback from teachers: “Where has this been?” That’s a good sign! Yesterday I met with a fourth grade teacher eager to see if PantherNet could fit into her classroom. I haven’t used Moodle much in the elementary but there […]
All new international teachers to Thailand must take 20 hours of class work to obtain a Thai Teaching certificate. Today was my first class and our assignment is to reflect on what we learned… here I go. What did I learn today? We had a great discussion about the Wai. A common greeting in Thailand much like a handshake. The […]
As a technology person you don’t always get to decide where you are going to start with teachers. In fact, most of the time the teachers tell you where you are going to start. Hence my focus on parent communication. Many teachers are looking at using blogs as a way to communicate with their parent communities. Now, before I go […]
Here’s what I find so cool about the Elementary Principal and VP here at ISB. A week before school starts the admin team decides to add another 5th grade classroom. Which, for those of you that are not international educators, is not a recommended plan of action. First, all international teachers are already starting their new jobs in new schools, […]
Thanks to everyone who replied to my last post about the Mac software I should install on my computer….keep the programs coming! On Thursday a lot the teachers asked me if I could help them learn how to use the Mac. Most of the new teachers coming in this year are coming from PC school and are new to the […]
Well we made it to Bangkok without much of a fuss. Cats traveled well and we’re slowly settling into our new house in our new city. ISB is about 30 minutes outside of the city center making our view a little different from Shanghai. Shanghai Bangkok The view is not the only thing different. Last night’s low of 81F and […]