Learning 2.012 Early Bird Registration Ends Soon

Learning 2.012 Early Bird Registration Ends Soon

    Excited to see the Learning 2.012 conference is filling up fast. The conference that I helped to start back in 2007 continues to explore the meaning of what it means to be a modern day conference. Every year the committee plays with different formats and different ways to get participants involved in the learning process. The one thing this conference […]

Preparing for November

Preparing for November

My wife left early this morning for Hawaii. I know…completely lost on her. From Bangkok to Hawaii….. She’s off to visit a friend, one of the benefits of taking a year off from working and having frequent flier miles to spend. So that leaves me with a week of no school and time to myself to prepare for what has […]

Shift Our Schools Podcast: Season Two!

Shift Our Schools Podcast: Season Two!

The second season of Shift Our Schools kicks off tonight as David and I along with Kim Cofino reflect about the Learning 2.008 Conference in Shanghai. We’re changing things up this year starting with a new website dedicated to the podcast. Click on the link above or the picture to head to the website. We are in iTunes and ready […]

Do you give yourself permission to reflect?

Do you give yourself permission to reflect?

I’ve been thinking about reflection lately and how we use it in our classrooms. I can remember being in elementary school and being asked to reflect in a journal. Reflection is a great process…a proven process of learning. We’ve been asking students to reflect for years in education so one simple question: Do you give yourself permission to reflect during […]

Learning 2.008: A moment

Learning 2.008: A moment

I think these pictures tell the story better than I can. I always have this weird feeling when the conference is over. Part of me is so relieved that it’s over and another part of me never wanted it to end. I was tired, running on pure adrenalin by the end of it but so excited to see educators learning […]

Learning 2.008: No Stage, just conversations

Learning 2.008: No Stage, just conversations

1. Before someone talks you into creating/organizing/hosting a conference make sure you’re prepared for the work ahead. 2. Once you are prepared for the work, double the time you think it will take, multiple that by two, and then you might be close. 3. Always remember you are doing this to better education (or educators) or so you hope. ___________________ […]

Learning 2.008 is about YOU

Learning 2.008 is about YOU

It’s about the learner! This conference is about allowing you the learner to take control of your own learning, to create opportunities for yourself to learn. We have done nothing more than to solicit the help of professional learners to help you in your own learning journey. We talk about teaching students to learn how to learn. Next weekend….you get […]

Communicating from the classroom

Communicating from the classroom

As a technology person you don’t always get to decide where you are going to start with teachers. In fact, most of the time the teachers tell you where you are going to start. Hence my focus on parent communication. Many teachers are looking at using blogs as a way to communicate with their parent communities. Now, before I go […]

Thoughts on conferences

Thoughts on conferences

So the first full day of NECC 2008 comes to an end and I find myself thinking more about conferences, how to create them, manage them, and make them relevant to participants then I thought I would. Have I mentioned the conference we’re doing in Shanghai? 🙂 I’ve been thinking a lot about spaces and how important it is to […]

A conversation about the Learning 2.008 Conference

A conversation about the Learning 2.008 Conference

While visiting with Ken Caroll at the Praxis Language studios before I left Shanghai, Ken and I sat down and just started talking about the conference. The format, who was attending and just had a conversation around the idea of what we’re trying to do. A great 17 minute listen if you want/need more information about the conference. It’s funny […]