Summer thoughts and reflections

Summer thoughts and reflections

I had all intention of writing a final blog post from NECC on what I was thinking the last day of the conference and where do we go from here, but you know what…it’s summer time and right now my priorities are with spending time with friends and family. We’re down to just 3 1/2 weeks before we fly out […]

Thoughts on conferences

Thoughts on conferences

So the first full day of NECC 2008 comes to an end and I find myself thinking more about conferences, how to create them, manage them, and make them relevant to participants then I thought I would. Have I mentioned the conference we’re doing in Shanghai? 🙂 I’ve been thinking a lot about spaces and how important it is to […]

EdubloggerCon and my need for Beta Time

EdubloggerCon and my need for Beta Time

Back from EdubloggerCon for the day and taking a break in the hotel room, catching up on the latest NECC chatter and reflecting on the day. I was worried before I got here of two things: 1. That EdubloggerCon this year would be different, to big, to scripted, and not unconference enough for me.2. That the NECC Unplugged sessions would […]

Ready, Set, NECC!

Ready, Set, NECC!

Landed in San Antonio today around 1:30 from Seattle. Left at 5:15am….is it bad when a 5 hour flight seems short and you actually look forward to sleeping upright on the plane? We arrived with not air trouble, checked in and then drove back to the airport to pick up my sister-in-law. We only have 5 weeks this summer to […]

Learning 2.008 Conference and EdubloggerCon Shanghai

Learning 2.008 Conference and EdubloggerCon Shanghai

We had a great planning meeting last night looking at the latest numbers for the conference. Not a good sign when we have more presentations then people registered for the conference. 🙁 I’m not to worried at this point, but then again I’m not the one in charge of the money. 🙂 This is why there aren’t many educational conferences […]