Textbook-less classroom
If you aren’t reading the news coming from techlearing.com I suggest you start.
I saw this news today and wanted to give a personal congratulation to Mr. Mangus. Mr. Mangus has a completely textbook-less classroom and was honored by receiving the No Child Left Behind Act American Star of Teaching Award. Just how is the impact of a textbook-less classroom impacting his students?
Since 2002-03, sixth-graders have leaped from 72 percent of students proficient on state math tests to 82 percent proficient, state Office of Education data show. Fifth-graders have gone from 52 percent proficient to 77 percent proficient in the same time frame.
Now there is some hard data for all of us trying to start 1-1 computer programs.
“I’m hoping people will see how valuable this is,” Mangus said. “It’s night and day to what those kids will learn using my method or using a textbook. . . . Textbooks only get in the way.”
Welcome to Web 2.0 and as Will so simply put it Teaching 2.0