
The 5th Grade Polar Bear Class
I came across this site the other day when I was looking for examples to show teachers how blogging can be used even with elementary students. My hat is off to Mr. Roemer and his 5th grade Polar Bears. This class is using technology the way it should be used, not as “another subject” but as a tool to help them learn, and express there writing and thoughts to a worldly audience. This class is truly 21st century, using the technology they have as a resource and a tool in everyday learning.
Great job Polar Bears!
[…] My first blog post was about a 5th grade classroom called the Polar Bear Class. The website no longer exists but this was my beginning into blogging. Talking about a class that was creating there own website. The website was not another subject, but was just what they did. It was apart of their classroom, it was a part of their learning. […]