Wired kids in non Wired schools
I just finished reading the article Schools try to draw the line for wired kids. I found the article quick interesting on the different approaches school districts are taking on trying to encourage or discourage use of cell phones, mp3 players, and other technologies. As I finished reading the article, my 5th grade class happened to walk in, so I asked them their thoughts about cell phones and mp3 players in schools. As I got thinking, I wondered how many of the students had cell phones and brought them to school. 5 out of the 18 students had cell phones, or roughly 28%. That’s not too bad for being 11 years old. When I asked how many had mp3 players or iPods 11 out of 18 or 61% of the students said they owned an mp3 player or iPod. I wasn’t surprised by this as some of our students have an hour and a half bus ride to and from school everyday. I then asked the students how many of them had a computer that was for them and their siblings and not a “family computer” 12 out 18 raised their hands or 67%.
Do these numbers shock me? Not really. Why? These technologies are not new to these 11 year old students. For as far back as they can remember schools have always had computers and the Internet. Their parents have always carried a cell phone, and doesnÂ’t everyone download music from the Internet?
So this has me thinking. Can schools draw the line for wired kids? Or do schools need to learn that kids are wired, and we need to teach them as such. If we continue to teach wired students using unwired ways, they will be ill prepared for the world that awaits them. I have administrative certification and wonder what rules I would make about students and technology.
1. Students are encouraged to bring their own laptops/handheld computers to school.
If and when I become principal the school will be wireless, and I would encourage students to bring their laptops from home to connect to and use the schools Internet connection. Just think of the savings. No servers needed to store student work. Lower maintenance costs and fewer computers needed for the school, as the school computer would be used only by those students who did not have their own laptops.
2. Cell phones are allowed in school and students need to be responsible users of them.
My theory: treat high school students like the young adults they are. I canÂ’t imagine going into a university class and asking all the students to please not bring their phones to class. This is the 21st century and like it or not the cell phone is here to stay. Better yet, I think it is our job to help students understand how to use their cell phone reasonably, such as shutting it off during lessons, and school concerts. If we teach students to be mature about their cell phone use and treat them as mature young adults and the appropriate use of them, then we are preparing them for the future world.
Will there still be cheating? Yes. Would there still be cheating without cell phones? Yes. Has there always been cheating in schools? Yes. Will it ever stop? Probably not. You do the best you can, and find ways to ‘out smart’ the students. With technology I think it’s getting easier. The programs are out there, we just aren’t using them yet.
I could go on but my thinking is you either embrace the future and help prepare students for a world that will never be the 1950 again, or you constantly fight a battle using 1950 thinking in a 21st century age.
“Cell phones are the lifeline for teenagers. They just can’t imagine life without them,” said Michael Wood, vice president of Teenage Research Unlimited, an Illinois-based marketing and research firm. “It’s not just a communication device for teens; it’s an entertainment device.”
This is true, but I also believe that it is an entertainment device because it is a communication device. This is the information age and for students these daysÂ…information and communication is entertainment!